About Us

The Protect Democracy Project was conceived by a group of former White House and Administration lawyers and experienced constitutional litigators, all with a deep understanding of how the federal government works. As we were the ones tasked with implementing and enforcing the norms that govern our democracy, we know what those guardrails are and when those in power may be tempted to violate them. To assist with our efforts to educate and inform the public, we have brought together experienced communications professionals, as well as a network that spans former officials throughout government and grassroots groups around the country. We are also working with expert scholars on authoritarian regimes.

What is the Relationship Between the Protect Democracy Project and Protect Democracy United and how can I support them?

Protect Democracy refers jointly to the work of sister organizations that share a common mission and vision. Together they form a cross-ideological effort dedicated to defeating the authoritarian threat, building more resilient democratic institutions, and protecting our freedom and liberal democracy.

Protect Democracy Project: Protect Democracy Project is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization that provides public education about threats to democratic norms and institutions and how the American people can best confront them. It advances its educational mission through research, analysis, technology, and litigation to stand up for free and fair elections, the rule of law, fact-based debate, and a better democracy for future generations. If you prefer to make a tax-deductible gift, we encourage you to support Protect Democracy Project. Contribute to Protect Democracy Project.

Protect Democracy United: Protect Democracy United is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt organization focusing on advocacy efforts to confront threats to our democracy. While not tax deductible, gifts to Protect Democracy United allow us the greatest flexibility in our work: In addition to funding litigation, public communications and organizing efforts, these gifts enable us to advocate and lobby in legislatures at the federal and local level to strengthen and defend our democracy. Contribute to Protect Democracy United

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